Time is fast running out for sole traders!


Date: 16 September 2024

A women gets ready to file her income tax relf assessment tax return

Just how quickly has this year flown by, eh? It’s something that you may well have heard - even if you haven’t said it yourself. Maybe it’s something that you notice more the older that you get.

The Olympics are a distant memory (great, weren’t they?), the cooler weather has arrived (brrrr!), the kids are back at school (phew!) and the football season is well underway again (hurrah!). The final quarter of the business year will also start on 1 October, just a month before Halloween and Bonfire Night, then it will be less than eight weeks until Christmas. Gulp!

October’s arrival will also mean the self assessment tax return online-filing deadline is just 16 weeks away. And, if the speed with which the year has already flown by is anything to go by, the online filing deadline will soon be upon us, especially with the demands of the run-up to Christmas to come.

Time to get organised for your self assessment

You can, of course, get your self assessment tax return off your plate now, which makes perfect sense. You don’t have to wait until December or January to do it. You can file it any time after the start of the new UK tax year, on 6 April.

Getting it done and out of the way now means you can get on with other things, without having the added headache of having to complete your tax return. With so many other things going on pre-Christmas, who really wants the worry of the tax return hanging over them? Worse still, you could leave it until January when you’ll be battling the fast-approaching online filing deadline (midnight on the 31). If you miss the deadline, you’ll have to pay an automatic £100 fine, which is hardly a great way to start the new year.

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For self-employed individuals, sole traders, or those with non-PAYE income, GoSimpleTax provides direct Self Assessment filing with HMRC, offering helpful hints and savings tips throughout the process. Let GoSimpleTax handle all calculations.

Register now and secure a 25% discount!

Tax returns made easier

If you use accounting software and regularly update it with your business income and tax expenses, your self assessment tax return will be much easier to complete. The main summary, sole trader figures that you’ll need will be easily accessible. If you don’t use accounting software, gathering together and totalling up your sole trader income and tax expenses will take much longer (especially if you have to wade through an unruly mountain of sales receipts and invoices).

Don’t opt to complete a paper tax return. Firstly, it takes much longer. It also needs to be filed much earlier. In fact, you would need to get it done before midnight on 31 October. It’s little wonder that fewer than 3% of taxpayers choose to file a paper self assessment tax return. Doing it online is a far better option, plus the deadline is three months later.

To speed things up when completing your Self Assessment tax return, you’ll need other information. Make sure you have your ten-digit UTR (ie Unique Taxpayer Reference), your National Insurance number, summaries of your other taxable income and expenses, which could include dividends, interest, pensions, rental income, capital gains, etc.

You’ll also need details of any contributions to charity or pensions for which you wish to claim tax relief. If you also earn income from employment, you’ll also need your P60. Your P60 shows how much tax and National Insurance you’ve paid, which you’ll need to include in your Self Assessment tax return, if relevant.

Saving time with filing software

You can complete your self assessment tax return online by signing in via Government Gateway to access HMRC’s online services. However, using commercial self assessment tax return filing software really can make things quicker, easier and it’s much cheaper (around £5 a month) than using an accountant.

Tax return-filing software can prevent simple mistakes. For example, failing to complete the relevant supplementary tax return pages or not filling in all relevant boxes in the return. This is because the software provides prompts and holds your hand throughout the process. Tax return-filing software can also ensure that you claim all your tax allowances and reliefs, which will help to minimise your tax bill.

By using good tax return filing software, you should be able to get the job done in a couple of hours or so. Then you can forget all about your tax return for another year and use your precious time to do something more enjoyable. How great would that be?

Copyright 2024. Sponsored post by Mike Parkes of GoSimpleTax - tax return software that can help you manage your self assessment.

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