Alternatives to the high street banks for business loans
The high street banks aren’t the only option for business loans. We look at some of the other options including challenger banks and specialist lenders.
The high street banks aren’t the only option for business loans. We look at some of the other options including challenger banks and specialist lenders.
Business angels are wealthy individuals who provide capital - and sometimes advice - in return for company shares. Here's how to pitch to an angel.
Key performance indicators can help you measure how your business is performing in particular areas, so that you can track and improve this over time.
A guide to financial management for business owners: understanding profit and loss, cash flow and how to create a business budget.
As a business you need to accept customer payments. There are many ways of accepting payments, but you should aim to accept the payment methods your customers prefer. How can you get paid?
PolicyBee answers questions about business insurance, including which types you may need, how to make a successful claim and how to minimise risk.
Our guide to the best options for insuring your business –comparison sites, insurance brokers and insurers
If you borrow money from or lend money to your business, it is known as a directors loan. You must keep records of any directors loans in your company accounts.
It is possible to overpay your National Insurance contributions. Discover when and how you can claim a National Insurance rebate.
A checklist of the key issues to consider when setting up a workplace pension scheme for your employees so that you meet your legal obligations.
If you're building a business, it's essential to understand how it'll provide you with financial security in the long term - read our guide.